Dr Joanne Stocks
Joanne is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Sports Medicine at the University of Nottingham.
As a member of the NIHR Nottingham BRC Musculoskeletal, Surgery, Inflammation and Recovery theme and Associate member of the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis Research Versus Arthritis, she has a research interest in the area of healthy ageing, focusing on the role of nutrition in frailty, osteoarthritis and pain.
Joanne is working on a Versus Arthritis-funded study investigating Biomarkers and Joint Pain in Military Osteoarthritis (Bio-Mil-OA), and whilst undertaking an MRes in Bioinformatics is also investigating the molecular signature of arthrofibrosis in this cohort.
Joanne is also leading the development of a mobile phone app ‘HealthScout’ and data collection platform to collect Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in Nottingham University Hospital’s Musculoskeletal clinics. She is PI on a study funded to look at gut microbiome diversity in athletes as well as Co-I of ‘Running Through‘ a study of recreational runners, their injuries, performance and Covid-19. and was co-moderator of the community participation working group creating the Research Data Alliance’s Covid-19 Recommendations and Guidelines.
In addition, Joanne is working on a number of projects as a member of Pain Centre Versus Arthritis. These include as co-investigator of ReStARt (Reducing STiffness After knee ReplacemenT), a study to optimise physiotherapy for arthrofibrosis, and a collaboration with the OA Trial Bank to identify placebo responders and predictors of response to osteoarthritis treatment using individual patient data.
Joanne is a facilitator for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) activities and is the module convenor for the BMedSci Patient and Public Involvement in Research module.

Running Through Study
Investigating the impact of COVID-19 Infection on Recreational Runners: Risks, Recovery and Complications

Gut Microbiome Diversity
Investigating gut microbiome diversity considering exercise training, diet, age and ethnicity.

Community Knee Pain
Using community-based participants we aim to determine the natural history of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis.

An ADVANCE sub-study: Biomarkers and Joint Pain in Military Osteoarthritis

Musculoskeletal Health and Wellbeing
Measuring pain, frailty and disability in an ageing UK population.

OA Trial Bank
Analysis using Individual Patient Data (IPD) from existing studies, of treatment effects on OA patients.

Topical Treatments for OA Pain
Investigating topical NSAID drugs for osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain.

Nutrition, Ageing & Osteoarthitis
Researching dietary interventions effect on healthy ageing by modifying gut microbiome

Exercise Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Meta-analysis of the relative efficacy of different types of exercise in the treatment of osteoarthritis