Future Presentations

UK Research in Musculoskeletal Epidemiology (UK-RiME)
Keele University, UK
5-6 September 2024
I will be presenting data from the Biomarkers in Military Osteoarthritis (BioMilOA) study which has just been published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage and also the latest proteomic data from the same cohort ‘Association of serum biomarkers with early radiographic knee osteoarthritis, knee pain and function in a young, trauma-exposed population – findings from the ADVANCE study’
I will be giving a short oral presentation as part of the Friday ECR session at 2.15pm.
Previous Presentations
Blast and Conflict Injury Conference
Imperial College, London, UK
11-12 July 2024
I will be presenting data from the Biomarkers in Military Osteoarthritis (BioMilOA) study ‘Association of serum biomarkers with early radiographic knee osteoarthritis, knee pain and function in a young, trauma-exposed population – findings from the ADVANCE study’
I will be giving an oral presentation at the Thursday session 4A : Living with Blast and Conflict Injury and the Lived Experience at 16:45

Microbiome Interaction in Health and Disease
Wellcome Genome Campus, UK and Virtual
14-16 February 2024
I will be presenting a poster preliminary results from my MRes Bioinformatics study on the ‘Comparison between shotgun metagenome and 16S rRNA sequencing for the taxonomic characterization of the gut microbiota in patients with osteoarthritis’.I will be presenting at the Thursday poster session, with my poster pitch session ( pitch 22) at 4pm and the poster session (poster 50) at 4.30pm.
Pint of Science 2023
Beeston Social, Nottingham, UK
23 May 2023 7-9pm
As part of this year’s Pint of Science event I will be talking about ‘Managing Pain Through Physical Activity’.Over 1 in 3 people in the UK experience musculoskeletal pain. Physical activity is a great form of medicine to prevent and manage painful joint conditions, but as we age injuries are more frequent and recovery is slower. As an ageing athlete myself I will discuss the latest research on being physically active whilst managing pain, including my own research on osteoarthritis, pain, placebo, and how our activity levels changed during the Covid lockdowns.Visit https://pintofscience.co.uk/events/nottingham to sign up to the event mailing list to learn more.I am also excited to have been paired with artist Cara Jones to collaborate on a piece of art related to my talk. The results of this collaboration will be displayed in the Creative Reactions gallery exhibition during 19th-22nd of May at The Carousel.
British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM) 2022
Brighton, UK and online
May 26-27 2022
Dr Joanne Stocks will be presenting a poster on ‘Impact of three different phases of UK Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, Covid infections and Covid vaccination status on runners training distance and pace.‘

Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC) 2022
Dublin, Ireland and online
April 27-30 2022
Dr Joanne Stocks will be presenting a poster on ‘Self-reporting of joint pain by members of the running community’.
Join Joanne on Friday 29th April at 17:40 – 18:25 Dublin time for the live online poster session Click here to join the session
Sumeng Wang will also be presenting a poster on ‘Investigating physical activity and musculoskeletal pain in Nordic walkers using digital technology.
Join Sumeng on Thursday 28th April at 17:40 – 18:25 Dublin time for the live online poster session Click here to join the session
- 202225th February
Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre Musculoskeletal Virtual Conference
12:20 pmLocation: On-line Research LoungeI am honoured to be giving a keynote presentation on Patient and Public Involvement in translational research on the final session of this two day conference.
I will be joined by volunteer PPI members and researchers to discuss how patient and public involvement has benefited their research.
- 202120th January
Managing Pain in People with Arthritis
3:30 pmLocation: https://www.rheumatology.org.uk/events-learning/webinarsBritish Rheumatology Society/Versus Arthritis webinar on managing pain in people with arthritis. I will be part on the panel alongside colleagues from the Versus Arthritis Pain Centre. My dissertation student Mimi Ng, will also be presenting the findings from her MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine study sharing how health professionals can influence whether people in pain will exercise.
- 202011th November
Research Data Alliance (RDA) Adoption Opportunities & Highlights Session & COVID-19 Panel
9:00 pmLocation: Research Data Alliance (RDA) Adoption Opportunities & Highlights Session & COVID-19 PanelAs a co-moderator of the community participation working group, I will be representing the group at the COVID-19 WG Panel Discussion during the RDA Adoption Opportunities & Highlights Session. Aside from providing an overview of our guidelines we shall also discuss how these recommendations can apply outside of the current pandemic.
- 202010th November
Research Data Alliance (RDA)- BoF – Citizen Science / Community Participation Data
17:00-18:30 UTCLocation: RDA 16th Plenary Meeting – Costa Rica (Virtual)As part of this session, I will be presenting suggestions on how considerations for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research could be applicable to citizen science.
- 20208th March
Celebrating Nottingham Women- International Women Day 2020
10:30am – 3pmLocation: Marquee in Nottingham Old Market SquareThe University of Nottingham is to celebrate International Women’s Day 2020 by showcasing the knowledge and expertise of its talented women staff and students at a civic event in Old Market Square, Nottingham.
The free event which is open to everyone, being jointly hosted with Nottingham Trent University from 10.30am to 2.30pm on Sunday 8 March, will feature fun, interactive activities for all the family offering an insight into some of the amazing work that happens across the university’s campuses.
In particular, the event aims to inspire young women in Nottingham and challenge the preconceptions and prejudices about gender roles and limitations, particularly around the science, technology, engineering and medical agenda.
Along with my colleagues and students, I will be presenting activities and information on the science behind great women sporting achievements – how your body works when you exercise and why physical activity is great for your health and wellbeing.
We will also be showcasing some of our past research and tell you how you can get involved in some of our future studies.
- 201930th August
Moving Your Way to Good Health
9:00 – 18:00Location: University of NottinghamThis conference will show the far-reaching benefits physical activity and healthy eating can have, from reducing cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, to helping with mental health problems. I will be presenting ‘How active are our patients?’
- 201927th June
Patient and Public Involvement in Research: a new module for undergraduate medical students delivered through co-production
Location: UK Clinical Research Facility (UKCRF) Network 2019 Annual ConferenceI will be presenting our experiences of successfully co-producing and co-delivering a new BMedSci module. Introducing second-year medical students to Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) across the research life cycle, its importance in good research and the benefits gained from a patient perspective. The module was co-produced and co-delivered by staff from the School of Medicine, NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), and members of the public, all part of the East Midlands Sharebank network.
- 201916th May
School of Medicine Grant Writing Programme – Getting the Question Right
12:30pmLocation: University of Nottingham,How to incorporate patient and public perspectives in designing your research question.
- 20195th May
Identifying predictors of placebo response in osteoarthritis clinical trials of three agents with different routes of delivery: a meta-analysis using individual patient data.
8:45amLocation: 2019 Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress, Toronto, Canada.Most drug treatments for osteoarthritis (OA) do not achieve a minimum clinically important difference above placebo and often associate with side-effects. On average, 75% of the analgesic effect from OA treatments in clinical trials, and potentially in clinical practice, can be attributed to placebo/contextual response, though the magnitude of this response may vary greatly between patients. Here I will present results from an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of three contrasting treatments for OA to identify placebo responders and the potential determinants of the placebo response in OA.