Investigating the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection on Recreational Runners: Risks, Recovery and Complications

Start date February 2021

COVID-19 is affecting all our lives. Through changes to our working, family or social circumstances, the current pandemic is having a great effect on our mental and physical health.
It is also anticipated that many keen adult runners in the general population will be affected either by contracting COVID-19 or through a significant change in their running activities.
Through inviting members of the running community to share their training data, we hope to examine changes in running habits associated with the current restrictions.
Understanding of the relationship between COVID-19 and other common viral infections, changes in the running activities and early symptoms of poor recovery is needed to help understand the impact of the pandemic on the running communities. If found to be beneficial, running could then also be prescribed to the wider population.
The lack of a regular racing season will also provide a unique opportunity to investigate patterns of injuries in runners.
Currently, it is not clear what training regime changes are linked with an increased risk of injury. Some suggest that changes of running intensity rather the weekly distance, as well as common viral infections, have strong links to injury.
We aim to use data provided by the running community to enable the production of data-based recommendations regarding training load, intensity or infection recovery.
Finally, many previously active adults who have tested positive for COVID-19 have reported experiencing prolonged tiredness, alongside cardiac or respiratory symptoms during the recovery period. This is often described as ‘Long COVID’.
Running Through will monitor runners return to training following recovery from COVID-19 and the impact on subsequent physical activity, training performance and cardiorespiratory complications.
We hope to identify characteristics of those runners who are at higher risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 infection, developing common injuries and subsequently poor recovery after the infection.
Study Objectives
To investigate training load on runners’ musculoskeletal injuries, illness and recovery.
To investigate risks associated with the incidence of symptomatic coronavirus COVID-19 infection and poor recovery after the infection in recreational runners.
To investigate risks associated with the incidence of other upper respiratory infections and musculoskeletal injuries in recreational runners during COVID-19 pandemic.

Stefan Kluzek

Joanne Stocks

Garrett Bullock

Benjamin Feakins
Current Student Members
Thomas Bestwick-Stevenson
Lea Gayer de Mena
Past Student Members
Danial TahirJie Zheng
Sumeng Wang
Xinqi Huang
Joshua Cresswell
Study Co-ordinator
Natasha Jumbu
Senior Data Manager
Dan Simpkins

World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Disease (ESCEO) 2022
March 24- 27 2022
The Running Through study team will be presenting some of our initial findings at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) 2022.
Dr Stefan Kluzek will be presenting a poster on ‘The relationship between the significant knee and hip pain and use of non-steroid medication in the middle-aged and elderly UK running population: large cohort study’

World Congress on Osteoarthritis (OARSI) 2022
Berlin, Germany and online
7-10 April 2022
The Running Through study team will be presenting some of our initial findings at the World Congress on Osteoarthritis (OARSI) 2022.
Dr Garrett Bullock will be presenting a poster on ‘The relationship of lower extremity persistent pain and osteoarthritis on running and physical activity in recreational runners: large prospective cohort study (Running Through)’

Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC) 2022
Dublin, Ireland and online
April 27-30 2022
Join Sumeng on Thursday 28th April at 17:40 – 18:25 Dublin time for the live online poster session Click here to join the session
Dr Joanne Stocks will also be presenting a poster on ‘Common Joint Pain in the Running Community
Join Joanne on Friday 29th April at 17:40 – 18:25 Dublin time for the live online poster session Click here to join the session
British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM) 2022
Brighton, UK and online
May 26-27 2022
Dr Joanne Stocks will be presenting a poster on ‘Impact of three different phases of UK Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, Covid infections and Covid vaccination status on runners training distance and pace.‘

British Pain Society
London, UK and online
13-15 June 2022
The Running Through team will be presenting some of our results at the British Pain Society’s 55th Annual Scientific Meeting.
Dr Joanne Stocks will be presenting a poster ‘Physical activity in people self-reporting chronic multi-joint pain in lower limbs’.

Mid Atlantic Chapter- American College of Sports Medicine
Harrisburg, PA, USA
4-5 November 2022
The Running Through team will be presenting some of our results at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine’s 2022 Annual Meeting.
Dr Garrett Bullock will be presenting ‘Real World Exercise Wearable Applications: Running Through with Crowd Sourcing’.

NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Medical Research Conference 2022
Nottingham, UK
17 November 2022
The Running Through team will be presenting some of our results at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre Conference
Dr Joanne Stocks will be presenting on Recreational Runners’ Reliance on NSAIDs to Manage Joint Pain and Keep Active.
Tuesday 9th February 2021.
Friday 12th February 2021
Tuesday 16th February 2021.
Tuesday 18th January 2022