Running Through Study
Investigating the impact of COVID-19 Infection on Recreational Runners: Risks, Recovery and Complications.

Gut Microbiome Diversity
Investigating gut microbiome diversity considering diet, age, ethnicity and exercise training

Biomarkers and Joint Pain in Military Osteoarthritis: Armed Services Trauma and Rehabilitation Outcome sub-study

Knee Pain In the Community
Using community-based participants we aim to determine the natural history of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis.

Musculoskeletal Health and Wellbeing
Measuring pain, frailty and disability in an ageing UK population.

Back & Rib Pain in Rowers
Investigating the different prevalence of low back and rib pain in rowers

OA Trial Bank
Meta-analyses using Individual Patient Data (IPD) from existing studies, of treatment effects on OA patients.

Topical Treatments for OA Pain
Collection of studies investigating topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and capsaicin for osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain.

Nutrition, Osteoarthitis and Ageing
Investigating dietary interventions to modify gut microbiome and influence the natural progression of frailty and osteoarthritis

Exercise Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Conventional and network meta-analysis of the relative efficacy of different types of exercise in the treatment of knee and hip osteoarthritis

Markers of Central Sensitization
Identifying circulating biomarkers of central sensitization to characterize the molecular mechanisms linked to OA knee pain.

Sleep and Neuropathic Pain
Investigating the bi-directional relationship between sleep and neuropathic pain after joint replacement surgery.

Cardiovascular Research
Previous cardiomyocyte and cardiac progenitor cell research at Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA.

Airway Smooth Muscle Angiogenic Factors
Research carried out as part of PhD thesis in Respiratory Medicine

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
PPI Lead supporting ARUK Pain Centre and NIHR Nottingham BRC MSK theme.