Previous Students
Past MSc and BMedSci Project and Dissertation Students
Abdullah Alshammari
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: Prevalence of low back in male and female rowers
Shruti Hulyalkar
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: Prevalence of rib pain in rowers
Danial Tahir
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: The Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection on Running Behaviour and Performance in Recreational Runners
Sumeng Wang
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: An investigation into musculoskeletal injuries in Nordic Walking participants
Xinqi Huang
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: Investigating the effect of COVID-19 on running performance in adult runners and factors associated with COVID-19-induced fatigue symptoms
Jie Zhang
2020/21 MSc Dissertation: Factors associated with spine (neck or back) pain in running population: a cross-sectional study
Phoebe Douzenis
2020/21 BMedSci Dissertation: Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on frailty related phenotypes in older adults
Nikki Adriaens
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: The probiotic effects of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fibre supplementation on microbiota composition and handgrip strength in elderly: A six-week randomised intervention trial
Xavier Smith
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: The Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on Cycling Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Tom Lamb
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: Investigating injury characteristics within the England men’s national futsal team, factors influencing injury incidence within the National Futsal Series and possible strategies for injury risk reduction across English futsal
Rebecca Rice
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Female Athletes: A systematic review of the Menstrual Cycle influence
(Mimi) Hoi Ng
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: Factors associated with using exercise as a core treatment for knee pain: a cross-sectional study in the knee pain in the community (KPIC) study
Rushil Khulge
2019/20 MSc Dissertation: Prevalence of low back pain in rowers- Scull vs sweep