As part of the Policy Impact Pathway Program (PIPP) I joined the other 9 early and mid-career researchers from PIPP and PIAP (Policy Impact Accelerator Program)for an educational day in London.
We met with a range of policymakers and influencers to discuss how to reach policy audiences with our research:
- Katie Thorpe, Head of Learning and Development at the Institute for Government
- Sarah Sharples, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Transport.
- Sally Burlington, Head of Policy, Local Government Association.
- Fran O’Leary & David Wild Co-Founders & Director of Lodestone, a strategy and communication agency.
Thanks to them all for their time in meeting with us, it was very useful to get insight into different ways to impact policy and get our research messages out to the appropriate audiences.
This was the final format training event for the PIPP program and will now be focusing on my PIPP project, advocating for health policy change for the nationwide collection of electronic musculoskeletal (MSK) Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS)