Association of MRI features and KL scores in knee osteoarthritis

Association of MRI features and KL scores in Knee Osteoarthritis

Upright MRI scanning hours awarded though SPMIC imaging contest

Principal Investigator: Dr Joanne Stocks
Co-Investigators:         Asst. Prof Ana Valdes
                                       Dr Koji Aso
                                       Sameer Gohir

The Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) system is the most commonly used method of classifying the severity of painful knee osteoarthritis (OA). The relationship between KL grading and weight-bearing MRI features (e.g. joint effusion, joint space narrowing (JSN), bone marrow lesions (BMLs) and surface contact) has yet to be established.

Using the new Paramed upright MRI scanner the aim of this pilot study is to identify to what extent weight-bearing MRI features are associated with pain and ipsilateral knee pain sensitivity in individuals with tibio-femoral (TF) involvement.

Start Date: August 2018